Louisiana Minimum Wage 2025
Louisiana has not established a state minimum wage rate.
Louisiana law prohibits any governmental subdivision of the state from creating a minimum wage for employees.
In fact, there are only five states, including Louisiana, that do not have a state minimum wage.
This means that a lot of workers in the state still receive the $7.25 minimum wage mandated by federal law, which has not seen any increase since 2009.
This is contested by many, especially considering that the cost of living has risen to more than 20%.
Still, due to the Fair Labor Standards Act, employees in Louisiana are at least protected by the law. Employers are required to give them the said federal rate.
Minimum Wage Calculator
Tip Minimum Wage
Louisiana does not have minimum wage or overtime laws and, thus, has not established any rules regarding tip or gratuity pooling. Because most employers and employees in Louisiana are subject to the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, the standards for tip or gratuity pooling set forth in that law typically apply.
Tip Pooling and Sharing
Louisiana minimum wage law does not address other tip/gratuity requirements. Because Louisiana minimum wage
Louisiana minimum wage law does not address other tip or gratuity requirements.
Because Louisiana minimum wage law does not address other tip or gratuity requirements, an employer is not required to consider or pay for other gratuity requirements when paying its employees their wages unless otherwise required by the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
Subminimum Wage
Employees with Disabilities
Louisiana does not have minimum wage laws and, therefore, does not address minimum wage rates employers may pay to employees with disabilities.
Because most employers and employees in Louisiana are subject to the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, the standards for wage rates for employees with disabilities set forth in that law typically apply.
Louisiana does not have minimum wage laws and, therefore, does not address subminimum wage rates employers may pay to trainees. Because most employers and employees in Louisiana are subject to the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, the standards for wage rates for trainees set forth in that law typically apply.
Louisiana does not have minimum wage laws and, therefore, does not address subminimum wage rates employers may pay to apprentices. Because most employers and employees in Louisiana are subject to the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, the standards for minimum wage rates for apprentices set forth in that law typically apply.
Louisiana does not have minimum wage laws and, therefore, does not address subminimum wage rates employers may pay to learners. Because most employers and employees in Louisiana are subject to the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, the standards for minimum wage rates for learners set forth in that law typically apply.
Student Learners
Louisiana does not have minimum wage laws and, thus, does not address subminimum wage rates employers may pay to student learners. Because most employers and employees in Louisiana are subject to the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, the standards for minimum wage rates for student learners set forth in that law typically apply.
Student Workers
Louisiana does not have minimum wage laws and, thus, does not address subminimum wage rates employers may pay to student workers. Because most employers and employees in Louisiana are subject to the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, the standards for minimum wage rates for student workers set forth in that law typically apply.
Louisiana Minimum Wage Laws 2025 FAQs
Below are other important information with regard to the matter of minimum wage laws and how these laws are run in Louisiana.
What is the situation of women workers in Louisiana?
Part of the things that need resolutions regarding Louisianaโs wage laws is related to women workers.
The percentage of women minimum wage workers in Louisiana is up to two-thirds.
That said, this situation is aligned with the biggest gender wage gap in the country, in spite of the number of hardworking women in the state.
This gap is greater for the case of Latinas and Black women in Louisiana, who get to earn 47.5 cents and 52 cents compared to each dollar that men make.
To add, Black women minimum wage workers in Louisiana were only under 13% back in 2012.
Now, they comprise the majority of minimum wage earners in the said state.
What other facts and statistics regarding minimum wage workers in Louisiana must be noted?
According to various reports, including ones from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, thereโs much that needs to be done in Louisiana, especially when it comes to efforts in minimum wage increases and access of employees to quality health care, health benefits, and health insurance.
This is true for a number of industries, be it in the hospitality, retail, comprehensive health services, or construction industry.
Hence, calls to have a livable minimum wage consider an hour minimum wage of $10.10.
This would impact one-third of Louisianaโs workers and send beneficial effects of wage increases for more than 500,000 employees.
Also, if Louisiana follows the example of other states with minimum wages higher than the federal rate, a lot of households with children will also benefit, considering that Louisiana has the fourth-highest child poverty rate in the country.
The situation looks hopeful, as some of the elected government officials in Louisiana are Black women who can make the changes needed by city employees.
This can lead to privileges like access to quality health and affordable child care (as a few examples) for a family with children, Black women, and other hourly employees and individual employees in Louisiana.
Will there be a minimum wage increase in Louisiana in 2025?
The current minimum wage in Louisiana is $7.25, following the federal minimum wage.
Since the federal minimum wage hasnโt been changed in a long time, there arenโt probably going to be minimum wage increases this year or anytime soon.
We cannot say that there arenโt initiatives to increase the hourly wage rate in the state.
Senate Bill 7 is a good example. It proposes an hourly minimum wage increase annually until it reaches the goal of $15 per hour.
This seeks to provide people with a living wage as well, instead of getting stuck at the lowest minimum wage.
What can business owners do to prepare for a minimum wage increase in Louisiana?
The most important step remains to be keeping oneโs self updated on the changing minimum wage rules and minimum wage requirements.
In this way, youโll be able to prevent potential non-compliance costs and, of course, provide the right rate for your most valuable employees.