The current District of Columbia minimum wage rate is $17.50.
Employers are required to pay employees District of Columbiaโs minimum wage rate for every hour worked unless the employer or employee is exempt by state or federal law.
Regarding the tip wage rate, the District of Columbia allows employers to pay employees who earn tips a tip minimum wage rate of $10.00 per hour so long as the wage rate plus tips result in the employees earning standard minimum wage when combined. Additionally, the District of Columbiaโs laws may allow employers, in limited situations, pay certain employees a subminimum wage.
DC minimum wage 2025
The District of Columbia’s current minimum wage is $17.50. D.C. Department of Employment Services
Beginning July 1, 2021, the District of Columbia increases its minimum wage annually in proportion to the annual average increase in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers in the Washington Metropolitan Statistical Area for the preceding 12 months. D.C. Code 32-1003
Employers of security officers working at office buildings must pay the security officers wages, or any combination of wages and benefits, that are not less than the combined amount of the minimum wage and fringe benefit rate for the guard 1 classification established by the United States Secretary of Labor pursuant to the Service Contract Act of 1965, approved October 22, 1965 (79 Stat. 1034; 41 U.S.C. 351). D.C. Code 32-1003(h)
An individual person is considered to be employed in the District of Columbia when:
- the individual regularly spends more than 50% of his or her working time in the District of Columbia; or
- the individual’s employment is based in the District of Columbia and the individual regularly spends a substantial amount of his or her working time in the District of Columbia and not more than 50% of their working time in any particular state.
Tip minimum wage
District of Columbia’s minimum wage for tipped employees is $10.00. DC Code 32-1003(f), D.C. Department of Employment Services
Beginning July 1, 2021, the District of Columbia increases its minimum wage annually in proportion to the annual average increase in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers in the Washington Metropolitan Statistical Area for the preceding 12 months. DC Code 32-1003(f)
Tips (gratuities) are defined as voluntary monetary contributions made by customers to employees for services rendered. DC Code 32-1002(4) Tipped employees are employees who are engaged in occupations in which tips are customarily and regularly received from customers. Tipped employees include occupations such as waiters, waitresses, counter personnel who serve customers, bus persons, server helpers, service bartenders, car wash attendants, parking lot attendants, parking garage attendants, bootblacks, hotel doorkeepers, bell-hops, hat checkers, cosmetologists, manicurists, pedicurist, shampooers, and aestheticians. DC Reg 7-999
Employers may pay tipped employees the tipped minimum wage if the employees actually receive tips in an amount that is at least equal to the difference between the tipped wage paid and the standard minimum wage. DC Code 32-1003(f) Employers are also required to advise employees of the following rules and regulations related to the payment of tipped wages:
- the minimum wage requirements
- if tips are not shared, that the tipped employee shall retain all tips received
- if tips are shared, the employerโs tip-sharing policy
- the percentage by which tips paid via credit card will be reduced by credit card fees
DC Code 32-1003(g); DC Reg 7-903
Tip pooling and sharing
District of Columbia minimum wage laws allow employees to participate in tip pooling arrangements among employees who customarily receive tips. If an employer uses tip sharing, they must post the tip-sharing policy. DC Code 32-1003(g) District of Columbia minimum wage laws do not address whether an employer may require employees to participate in tip pooling or tip sharing arrangements.
Subminimum wage
Employees with disabilities
District of Columbia minimum wage laws allows employers to pay employees with disabilities a wage rate lower than the standard minimum wage if they have been issued a certificate to do so by the United States Department of Labor under 214(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act. DC Code 32-1003(d)
District of Columbia minimum wage laws allow employers to pay trainees the training wage established under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act to employees who are 18 years or older for no more than 90 calendar days. DC Regs. 902.4(e).
District of Columbia minimum wage laws do not allow employers to pay apprentices a wage rate less than the standard minimum wage. Employers must pay trainees the standard minimum wage rate, unless otherwise exempt.
District of Columbia minimum wage laws do not allow employers to pay learners less than the standard minimum wage. Employers must pay trainees the standard minimum wage rate, unless otherwise exempt.
Student learners
District of Columbia minimum wage laws do not allow employers to pay student learners less than the standard minimum wage. Employers must pay trainees the standard minimum wage rate, unless otherwise exempt.
Student workers
District of Columbia minimum wage laws allow employers to pay student employed by institutions of higher education the minimum wage established by the United States Government. DC Regs. 902.4(f)