Idaho Minimum Wage and Overtime Exemptions Laws

Executive exemption

Bona fide executive employees are exempt from Idaho’s minimum wage law, however, Idaho does not define the criteria for an employee to be deemed a bona fide executive employee. ID Statutes 44-1504(1). The standards set forth by the federal Fair Labor Standards Act regarding executive employees may provide reasonable guidance.

Administrative exemption

Bona fide administrative employees are exempt from Idaho’s minimum law, however, Idaho does not define the criteria for an employee to be deemed a bona fide administrative employee. ID Statutes 44-1504(1) The standards set forth by the federal Fair Labor Standards Act regarding administrative employees may provide reasonable guidance.

Professional exemption

Bona fide professional employees are exempt from Idaho’s minimum law, however, Idaho does not define the criteria for an employee to be deemed a bona fide professional employee. ID Statutes 44-1504(1) The standards set forth by the federal Fair Labor Standards Act regarding professional employees may provide reasonable guidance.

Outside salesman exemption

Outside salesmen are exempt from Idaho’s minimum wage law, however, Idaho does not define the criteria for an employee to be deemed a bona fide professional employee. ID Statutes 44-1504(1) The standards set forth by the federal Fair Labor Standards Act regarding outside sales employees may provide reasonable guidance.

Computer employee exemption

Idaho minimum wage law does exempt computer systems analysts, computer programmers, software engineers, or other similarly skilled workers from its minimum wage requirements.

Other minimum wage and overtime exemptions

Idaho also exempts the following individuals from its minimum wage and overtime requirements:

  • Employees working in domestic service
  • Employees working seasonally for a nonprofit camping program
  • Minors under 16 year old who work part-time or odd jobs which do not exceed 4 total daily hours with any 1 employer
  • Employees under the age of 18 who are employed by an immediate family member or such family member’s business
  • An agricultural employee who:
    • Is employed by a parent, spouse, child or other member of their immediate family
    • is older than sixteen (16) years of age;
      • is a harvest laborer employee and paid a wage based on piece-rate in a field which has been, and is customarily and generally recognized as having been, paid based on piece-rate in the region of employment, and
      • travels daily from his or her permanent residence to the farm on which he or she is also employed, and
      • has been working in agriculture for less than 13 weeks during the preceding calendar year; or
    • Is younger than age 16 and:
      • is a harvest laborer employee and paid a wage based on piece-rate in a field which has been, and is customarily and generally recognized as having been, paid based on piece-rate in the region of employment, and
      • is employed on the same farm as his or her parent or guardian, and
      • Receives pay at the same piece-rate basis as the other employees over 16 years of age on the same farm; or
    • is principally employed in the range livestock production.

ID Statute 44-1504.

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