Hurt Workers: Personal Injury Lawsuits and Workers’ Compensation After a Head-on Collision in Atlanta

After an auto crash, can you get workers’ compensation? In most circumstances, a worker who gets injured on the job may seek reimbursement. This reimbursement covers different resulting damages via their employer’s workers’ comp insurance. This is irrespective of the amount of time they’ve worked for that company.

Also, are they a full-time or part-time worker? This also determines their eligibility for workers’ comp benefits. However, things tend to get more challenging. This is especially true when employees get involved in head-on collisions while away from business property.

It’s possible to receive workers’ compensation after a head-on collision. But you must meet the right criteria. However, it can often be a complex ordeal when it comes to establishing that you qualify for these benefits. So, working closely with a knowledgeable lawyer for head-on collisions in Atlanta with years of experience handling such cases could be the key to unlocking the benefits you rightfully deserve, depending on your status as a covered worker.

What is Considered a Work-Related Head-on Collision in Atlanta?

In Atlanta, a work-related vehicle accident takes place when performing chores essential or related to your duties. The crash doesn’t necessarily need to involve a vehicle in order to be categorized as work-related. This definition’s parameters are broad. That means they can encompass a massive array of scenarios.

Delivery Drivers

In Atlanta, company delivery drivers may be entitled to workers’ comp benefits. But this is only possible when they incur damages that occur in the course of their job. It’s likely to be considered a job-related incident if a head-on collision takes place while the driver is on duty. These duties may include:

  • Delivering goods
  • Returning from a delivery
  • Driving to pick up goods

Independent contractors don’t qualify for workers’ comp benefits, meaning some delivery drivers aren’t typically eligible for these perks if they are injured in head-on collisions while working. This group of doctors include independent contractors.

Worksite Auto Accidents

Several industries require substantial vehicle operation. The construction industry, for instance, includes the operation of heavy equipment and machinery. This industry includes machines and equipment like dump trucks, backhoes, and bulldozers. The oil and gas industry also includes a significant amount of vehicle operation at job sites.

Also, workers, in most cases, need to travel between different drilling sites utilizing vehicles to move materials and heavy equipment. You may be entitled to workers’ comp benefits if you’re on a worksite that includes substantial vehicle driving as part of your job and get injured in an auto crash.

Off-Site Meetings

Traveling to an off-site meeting by a vehicle in connection with your employment? The associated travel time is considered part of your duties. If you’re involved in an auto crash while driving to an off-site meeting, that collision could qualify as job-related. That means you may be eligible for workers’ comp benefits.

Recently involved in an auto accident that appears to be job-related, but you’re having trouble getting workers’ comp benefits? Turn to a knowledgeable lawyer for head-on collisions in Atlanta. Experienced head-on collision legal experts can help you ascertain if your accident falls under the workers’ compensation scope. By carefully evaluating your accident’s circumstances, personal injury lawyers will ensure your rights are fully protected.

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