Sample EEO Policy

EEO policy - EEO equal employment opportunity

The federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission enforces many laws that prohibit companies from discriminating against workers because they are a member of a protected class. Many states also protect employees from different types of discrimination. The federal and state laws protect workers at least based on race, ethnicity, beliefs, religion, marital status, gender, gender identity, citizenship status, age, veteran status, and disability.

To help protect employees from discrimination claims by workers, it is recommended companies implement an EEO policy. An EEO policy helps inform employees about their legal protection and helps managers and supervisors avoid unlawful behavior. Below is a simple EEO policy template example businesses may use to craft their own custom EEO policy. Also, please note, some states, such as California, require employer to provide specific and comprehensive discrimination and harassment policies. We recommend that employers consult with a human resources professional or an employment lawyer when drafting an EEO policy.

Equal Employment Opportunity
Policy Number ___

EEO Policy โ€“ Introduction

At (ABC COMPANY), we take pride in providing equal employment opportunities to everyone regardless of their race, ethnicity, beliefs, religion, marital status, gender, gender identity, citizenship status, age, veteran status or disability.

Accordingly , the purpose of this policy is to reinforce our commitment to the creation and maintenance of a diverse workplace where equality, respect and consideration for one another are the norm.

Scope of policy

This equal opportunity employer policy is a blanket policy. This means it applies to all employees, prospective employees, suppliers, backers, associates and affiliates, and guests.

While we believe that equal opportunity should and does apply to everyone, we also understand that it is especially important for people in groups that have historically been subjected to unfair treatment in the workplace. Although we donโ€™t promise to employ or promote all people in such groups, we do pledge to treat qualified job applicants and employees eligible for promotion fairly. We also pledge to avoid discriminating against them based on conscious or unconscious biases.

EEO Policy

  • As an equal opportunity employer, the ABC Company complies with all applicable laws, rules and regulations preventing discrimination against job applicants based on:race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, gender, gender identity, age, veteran status, marital status, physical challenges, or any other relevant factor.
  • In addition to recruitment and hiring practices, this policy requires affirmative action in the following areas: promotions, transfers, pay rates and termination.
  • Our executives, upper and middle management, and supervisors are responsible for ensuring that this policy is fully implemented and that everyone, including the rank and file, complies.
  • Allegations that anyone subject to this policy has engaged in prohibited conduct will be thoroughly investigated.
  • If the accused is an ABC Company employee, he or she may be suspended pending the outcome of the investigation.
  • If the investigation determines that an ABC Company employee has engaged in discriminatory practices or behavior, said employee will be disciplined accordingly.
  • A supervisor, department head, or anyone else in a senior capacity that is aware of an ABC Company employee engaging in prohibited conduct and fails to take immediate and appropriate corrective action will also be disciplined accordingly.
  • Any victim of discrimination should not hesitate to come forward.
  • Any individual who feels that coming forward would be or has been futile, unsatisfactory or counterproductive should contact the Human Resources Department.
  • Any type of retaliatory behavior, or threats of retaliation made against a victim of discrimination who has reported it, or against someone who was aware of the discrimination and reported, will result in immediate disciplinary action.

At ABC Company, we have zero tolerance for any type of discrimination or harassment against our employees by their peers, supervisors, customers, or vendors. This assurance is also reflected in our policies regarding: recruiting, advertising, hiring, placement, promotion, training, transfer, payment, benefits, termination and any relevant privileges, terms and conditions of employment.

Anyone with questions or concerns about the implementation of or compliance with this or any related policies should address them to the Human Resources Department.

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